Why Do We Study Math?

How many times do we hear this statement from students who are bored or frustrated because they spend time idly sitting in math class calculating the next set of problems using the given formulas.  While calculation is fun for some, it is not for many.  A more exciting practice would be to develop the understanding that mathematics is the language that describes and explains the patterns and beauty found in, around, and among us throughout the natural world.  It is math that explains the phenomenon in our universe!

Today, CP Math & Logic students Ela and Jackson gave PowerPoint presentations on Descartes & Einstein. And we pondered 'genius' and who next in our current world might find that within him or her self.   

Next, CP Algebra students joined us and watched this fun TED Talk on the Fibbinocci numbers and sequences.  Math & Logic students have already explored much of what you will see.  Fascinating stuff!

Take some time to share it with your young mathemagicians.  Enjoy.