College Placement & Advisory

Part of our mission is to maximize college opportunities for our students. Early preparation provides a connection between the efforts of today and the resulting benefits of tomorrow. CP students are exposed to a five-year preparatory model to explore the options and the paths to achieve admission to the college of their choice.   

Teachers and coaches have been involved in college admissions and NCAA processes for an average of 20+ years, and during that time many relationships have been cultivated. College coaches often visit our campus to review the extraordinary techniques that we use in the gym, on the court, and in the classroom that continue to produce top athletes, students, and citizens of significance. Our entire staff works together, and regular planning meetings provide guidance to students and their families for the best college match - academically, athletically, and culturally. 

Contact for more information on customized college placement and advisory.


Recent students attend:

Amherst College
Dartmouth College
DePaul University
Florida State University
Millsaps College
Pepperdine University
Pomona College
Princeton University
Southwestern University

St Edward’s University
Texas A&M University

Trinity University
United States Air Force Academy
University of Chicago
University of Illinois
University of Kansas
University of Notre Dame
University of Oregon
University of Virginia

Utah State
Washington and Lee
William and Mary