Dear Seniors:
You are about to embark on your last year of high school and quite possibly the last year you will live full time in your parents' home. What an amazing time in your life. Enjoy each moment of it. It is also a very busy time in your life. It is a time of transitioning into young adulthood with new responsibilities. With classes, work, tennis tournaments, college visits, applications, essays, keeping up with grades and chores, you may feel as if you have too little time to accomplish it all during the hours of the day. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, try this:
1) Breathe. It sounds simple, but it is the primary means to calm your nervous system. Calm your breathing; calm your life.
2) Read. Start the day and end your day by reading something inspirational. These parentheses on your day will form a positive container. Pair this with number 1) every morning, every night.
3) Ask for help. There are many people — parents, coaches, teachers — who are part of your support team. It is awesome that you want to take care of everything on your own, but don't wait until you are drowning to ask for life support. Alternatively, don't ask for someone to do what you should be doing for yourself... which leads to 4).
4) Plan your work and work your plan. Good time management reduces the feelings of stress. Start each day by planning and reviewing your schedule of activities. Prioritize them. Stick to the plan.
5) Complete your college application in August before school starts!